Dan Dozier, Of Counsel is a dispute resolution lawyer with The Sack Law Firm, P.C. He is an internationally recognized pioneer in conflict management and collaborative decision-making with over fifty (50) years of experience as an attorney, negotiator, facilitator, and mediator. Specializing in complex multi-party environmental, business, and commercial disputes, Dan has been appointed by United States Courts throughout the United States to mediate complex environmental case and is listed on numerous rosters of neutrals.
Prior to joining The Sack Law Firm, P.C., Dan was a partner and then Of Counsel in a law firm in Maryland providing legal and mediation services to clients and parties; served as manager of the Washington, D.C. office of CDR Associates, was Director of Consensus and Dispute Resolution at SRA International, Inc. managing the firm’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programs; Vice-President of TLI Systems where he managed all aspects of dozens of hazardous waste cost allocation, remedy selection, and environmental enforcement cases. He was a Senior Mediator and Project Manager at Clean Sites, Inc., a private not-for-profit neutral organization where he mediated private party environmental settlement negotiations. He also served as the chief legal officer at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), representing mediators to protect the confidentiality of information obtained during the course of mediation. Dan was a Liaison Member of the Administrative Conference of the United States when he was at FMCS, where he drafted several Conference recommendations regarding the use of ADR techniques involving federal agencies or programs. Dan served as the Director of the Congressional Liaison Office at the Department of the (then) Health, Education, and Welfare where, as the Department’s chief Congressional relations official he responded to congressional inquiries about Departmental programs, policies and legislation.
Dan has written several articles and monographs on ADR, including Stakeholder Collaborative Processes for Consensus Building on Planning Issues in the online journal of the American Planning Association with James L. Arial, III, AICP and Allyn Fynegold; and Finding the Common Good: the Sugarbush Water Withdrawal Case with John H. Fitzhugh, 1996; and a chapter in Mediation Ethics: Cases and Commentaries, edited by Ellen Waldman, (Jossey-Bass, 2011).
Dan believes in serving the community. He has coached his daughter’s softball team; served on his neighborhood pool Board of Directors; been a board member of a non-profit affordable housing corporation; served as a trustee of his Quaker Meeting; was a founding member of a neighborhood watershed advocacy group; and is currently serving on his condominium Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Board of Directors.
His hobbies include vacations with his wife and adult children, hiking with his dog, outdoor lap swimming, baseball, working as an apprentice carpenter, and learning about the ancient art of Japanese flower arranging.
- Wayne State University Law School - J.D - 1971
- Wayne State University - B.A. - 1968

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